Established by CODE with the generous support of the Literary Prizes Foundation, in partnership with the Bocas Lit Fest and CaribLit, the Burt Award for Caribbean Literature is part of a unique global readership initiative aiming to provide youth with access to books they will enjoy and want to read. The Award is given annually to three English-language literary works for young adults (aged 12 through 18) written by Caribbean authors. A First Prize of $10,000 CAD, a Second Prize of $7,000 CAD and a Third Prize of $5,000 CAD will be awarded each year to the winning authors. The Caribbean publishers of each winning title will also receive a guaranteed purchase of up to 2,500 copies, ensuring that the books get into the hands of young people through schools, libraries and community organizations across the Caribbean. Winning publishers also commit to actively market an additional minimum of 1,200 copies of each winning title throughout the region.